justice magtolisThe Metropolitan and City Judges Association of the Philippines, Inc. joins the family of the late Justice Delilah Vidallon Magtolis in this time of great sorrow. Justice Magtolis was undoubtedly one of the shining beacons of the Philippine’s continuing legal education and her passing will undoubtedly leave a gaping absence in the training and molding of newly-appointed Philippine judges. Her legacy, her book, “Not By Bread Alone,” has always been a sturdy guide for the members of the bench, especially in upholding the majesty of the law  despite the continuing lure of temptations. In her later years, Justice Magtolis exemplified how one’s service to the Philippine Judiciary is a never-ending commitment, not only in keeping Filipino values, but also in passing on the fire of judicial learning to the next generation of Philippine jurists.